News & Events

Make your voice heard……………

We all know the metering industry is in constant change, the next few months are no exception.  One of the biggest changes happens in September 2021.  This is when the Retail Energy Code v2 goes live, at that point all gas & electricity meter operators under whichever acronym will become Meter Equipment Managers (MEMs).

  • MEMs will accede to REC in their own right, that provides direct accountability.
  • MEMs will have a new Performance Assurance regime that must be complied with
  • MEMs will have a new Qualification & Maintenance regime that must be complied with,
  • REC will have its own Change Control function which will dispense with numerous, endless working groups,
  • REC will consult with stakeholders about changes – but not at a REC hosted meeting.

The AMO has been engaging with REC for several months with a lot of success, this engagement will increase  to cover all the bullets above. As a Trade Association we will be consulted on all changes that affect MEMs.

​The above is just the actions we’re taking on REC – but what else are we engaged with influencing and shaping:

  • Using hydrogen
  • EV charging
  • Changing the rules for the fitting of isolators
  • Faster Switching
  • Solar and PV installation best practice

Recent achievements of the AMO:

  • DSEAR Reference Document
  • Asbestos Reference Document
  • Cut-out glossary
  • Assisting BEIS with Safer Working in Homes during the pandemic.

And all this whilst representing members and being the critical friend of the industry:

  • Chairing MAMCOP
  • Chairing MOCOPA
  • Assisting BSC Performance Assurance Board
  • Assisting BEIS Groups on Health & Safety, Pandemic remobilisation, Smart Meter Installation
  • Assisting SECAS operational groups
  • Assisting Elexon/BSC groups
  • Assisting SMICOP
  • Assisting DCUSA Groups

The AMO is open to all MEMs across both fuels and aims to have representation at REC meetings as we already do with MRA, SPAA, SEC etc.

If you want to have your voice heard, join the AMO, we guarantee we will listen.

A single voice representing the many.

BEIS Guidance Published: Smart Meter Installation in Domestic New Build Premises

To aid with the smart meter roll-out in domestic new build properties, SMIP has published new guidance for developers and architects, and relevant to all those involved in the specification of metering locations in new build premises, especially multiple dwelling units, to aid the successful installation and operation of smart meters.

This document covers the following topics:

  • Relative positioning of electricity and gas smart meters in consumer premises
  • Housing of gas smart meters
  • Relevant existing guidance

Advanced Communications Best Practice Meeting – Friday 1st November 2019

MRR450 has been circulated and the feedback will be discussed on Friday 1st November 2019. It is intended for AMO Members to sign onto the Best Practice Guide.

Replies to the below questions are requested by CoB Friday 25th October 2019.

1  Do you support the draft Best Practice document?

2  Are there any changes you propose to the draft document?

3  Does your organisation already comply with this guidance and wish to be listed in the relevant section?

4  If not compliant, what timescale would it take?

Ofgem’s Scrutiny of the Market – SMICoP

Suppliers have been asked to review Ofgem’s proposed changes to SMICoP which would require them to publish the results of customer surveys. It is anticipated for these to be published in early 2020. The greatest need for change is likely to fall on small suppliers and their service providers as this sector is showing the lowest levels of compliance with the code.

NRO Activation Date 30th June 2019

The New and Replacement Obligation (NRO) activation date is 30 June 2019. From this date, Suppliers will need to take ‘all reasonable steps’ to install a smart meter. Exceptions are where a meter cannot be installed for technical or practical reasons, in emergency circumstances or where a consumer wishes to retain a traditional meter.