
AMO members are active in supporting efforts to decarbonise the energy
economy. We recognise that collectively we must reshape the whole supply
chain and we will play our part in helping to achieve that radical change.

The decarbonisation transition will require changes to the way that we generate,
transmit, store and use energy and this will be achieved through changes in
behaviour and through the adoption of new technologies.

The information generated by energy meters will play an important role in raising
consumers’ awareness of their energy use so that they can make better informed
decisions. Energy usage data will also be essential in developing new technologies so
that energy systems can be better integrated and operated. AMO members will be
active in the adoption and deployment of new, enhanced metering systems. In
addition, AMO members are exploring how they may contribute to change beyond
the scope of traditional energy metering services.

Through the work of its operational forums the AMO is working to ensure that its
members are ready for the deployment of low-carbon gases and especially the
change-over to Hydrogen which will require new technical competences.