REC Withdrawals

The following Parties have withdrawn from the Retail Energy Code in accordance with Schedule 19 Clause 3 and have been removed from the Party Register:

ESB Energy Limited (Electricity and Gas Supplier)

  • Company number: 9688977

RECCo Roadshow

RECCo is hosting a series of events across the UK in Manchester, Birmingham and London from 16 – 31 October 2024 to update stakeholders on the work they have been doing in the past year and future plans. These events will provide a unique opportunity to engage face-to-face. This year, the focus will be on how stakeholder feedback has directly influenced RECCo’s key strategic priority: Delivering Service Excellence.

Below are the dates for the upcoming events:

· Manchester – 16 October 2024

· Birmingham – 24 October 2024

· London – 31 October 2024

Please note that all workshops will be held between 10:00 to 16:30, with registration starting at 09:30. Due to the interactive nature of the events, there will not be any dial-in options available.

Upcoming REC Meetings and Events

Keep up to date with REC meetings and events with these dates for your diary:

  • 24 September 2024 – Performance Assurance Board
  • 25 September 2024 – Technical Expert Panel
  • 25 September 2024 – Theft Issues Group
  • 26 September 2024 – REC Portal and Digital Navigator Improvements Drop-In Session (11:00 – 12:00)
  • 01 October 2024 – REC Change Panel
  • 03 October 2024 – REC Change Issues Group
  • 09 October 2024 – Metering Expert Panel
  • 11 October 2024 – REC Issues Group
  • 06 November 2024 – REC Engagement Day

Ofgem Survey

Following the publication of Ofgem’s consultation on the future of the Centralised Registration Service (CRS), otherwise known as Switching, and initial analysis of consultation responses, Ofgem has issued a survey to REC and SEC parties in order to receive further insight into industry’s views surrounding the costs and benefits as well as the risks if responsibility for the CRS was removed from the DCC Licence and transferred to the Retail Energy Code. Take two minutes to complete this survey by the extended deadline of 19 September 2024.

If any respondents would like to discuss any of the questions, please contact

REC Engagement Day

On 06 November 2024, the Code Manager will be hosting a REC Party Engagement Day, providing REC Parties with a fantastic opportunity to hear about the key projects and activities happening within the Code Manager.  

You’re invited to join in London – or remotely via livestream. All attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions throughout the event, and those who attend in person will be able to meet with their Operational Account Managers face-to-face, as well as network with their industry colleagues.

REC have created a short form so you can let us know that you’re interested in attending. Leave your details, if you would like to attend. A full agenda will be circulated closer to the time and publicised in the REC Weekly Bulletin.

Upcoming Meetings and Events

Keep up to date with REC meetings and events with these dates for your diary:

  • 17 September 2024 – REC Change Panel
  • 25 September 2024 – Technical Expert Panel
  • 26 September 2024 – REC Portal and Digital Navigator Improvements Drop-In Session (11:00 – 12:00)
  • 24 September 2024 – Performance Assurance Board
  • 03 October 2024 – REC Change Issues Group
  • 09 October 2024 – Metering Expert Panel
  • 11 October 2024 – REC Issues Group
  • 06 November 2024 – REC Engagement Day