For Information: Smart Meter Operation Group Meeting Pack 06/06/2024

The slides from the DESNZ SMOG Meeting held on 6 June are attached.  Items of particular interest to members:

  • Geographical stats of smart meter installs (East Midlands highest – London & Scotland lowest.)
  • RTS Update:
    • Breakdown of RTS Meters by Region. (904k)
    • Breakdown of RTS Meters by Supplier
    • RTS will close down 30 June 2025 – this is the only date to be communicated to consumers.
    • EUK have prepared a briefing paper for MPs & devolved governments. ( Awaiting results of General Election before issuing.)
    • RTS Taskforce to be re-established in next couple of months
    • Intention to have a roundtable in Scotland ( Awaiting results of General Election before issuing.)
    • AMO Members will be included in the taskforce & roundtable
  • Customer Insights from Citizens Advice
  • Asbestos presentation from Scottish Power
  • AoB
    • Simon Wilson raised an issue regarding  meters at height.  This will be discussed at a future SMOG