Ofgem’s Scrutiny of the Market – SMICoP

Suppliers have been asked to review Ofgem’s proposed changes to SMICoP which would require them to publish the results of customer surveys. It is anticipated for these to be published in early 2020. The greatest need for change is likely to fall on small suppliers and their service providers as this sector is showing the lowest levels of compliance with the code.

NRO Activation Date 30th June 2019

The New and Replacement Obligation (NRO) activation date is 30 June 2019. From this date, Suppliers will need to take ‘all reasonable steps’ to install a smart meter. Exceptions are where a meter cannot be installed for technical or practical reasons, in emergency circumstances or where a consumer wishes to retain a traditional meter.

AMO Training Seminar 2018

The 2018 AMO Training Seminar is scheduled for Tuesday 12th June 2018 at Gemserv offices.

The day will be ideal for those who are either new to their organisation or the metering industry, or those interested in learning about another fuel. Topics will include the history of the gas and electricity industries; an overview of metering technology; key market participants and regulatory framework; and the benefits and challenges of smart metering.

Please contact AMO@Gemserv.com if you have any questions.