RTS End Date Confirmed

Energy UK issued a press release, 1st March 2024, confirming the end-date for the Radio Teleswitching service of 30th June 2025. The end-date has been agreed following a number of discussions between all of the Radio Teleswitch infrastructure providers over the last couple of months, including assessments of all components supporting the RTS service.  

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Update on Ofgem’s Market Compliance Review into Involuntary Prepayment Meter Practices

Last year, Ofgem initiated a comprehensive Market Compliance Review (MCR) aimed at addressing the issue of involuntary prepayment meter practices within the energy sector. The primary focus of this review was to prevent the wrongful installations of involuntary prepayment meters, ensuring fair treatment for energy consumers across the board.

In a significant development, new regulations were introduced in November 2023, integrated into the standard gas and electricity licences. These regulations are binding for all energy suppliers, mandating strict adherence to prescribed guidelines and practices.

As part of the review process, energy suppliers unanimously agreed to halt involuntary installations and remote switches. Furthermore, they have actively collaborated with Ofgem throughout the review, undertaking proactive assessments of customers who had prepayment meters installed without their consent. This evaluation spanned the period from January 1, 2022, to January 31, 2023, with the objective of identifying individuals eligible for compensation.

Initial data provided by energy suppliers indicate that 1,502 affected customers have already received compensation, totalling £342,450. Additionally, suppliers are in the process of preparing further compensatory payments, amounting to approximately £200,000, which will benefit an additional 1,000 customers.

Compensation for involuntary installation of prepayment meters, 1 January 2022 to 31 January 2023 | Ofgem

REC R0094 Update

Change R0094  has been raised to address an issue with the ‘Switch with a Concurrent Change of MEM process.’.

MEMs are obliged to issue ONJOBs to the CDSP as part of a meter exchange. However, this would not be issued if the MEM has received a de-Appointment flow as part of the Switch. This change proposes to obligate MEMs to issue ONJOBs for any completed meter exchanges, even after receiving a de-Appointment flow. This will ensure accurate Meter Technical Details are available to the gaining Supplier and MEM.

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R0093 – Authority decision to reject appeal

On 21 March 2024, the REC Authority issued its decision to reject an appeal raised on Change Proposal R0093 – Uplift to CSS Maximum Demand Volumes during MHHS Migration Period.

The decision document can be found on the REC Portal here.

R0093 was due for implementation on 23 February 2024, however, was removed from this release to allow the appeal to reach its conclusion. R0093 will now be implemented at the earliest opportunity and further details will be communicated via the REC Change Bulletin and release pages. Read more

REC R0043 Solution Update

Following discussion with impacted Parties and the REC Change Panel, REC have applied some updates to the Solution documentation for R0043 – Commissioning of Works by the Crowded Meter Room Coordinator (CMRC) to Resolve Issues In Crowded Meter Rooms. This is to ensure alignment with the Legal Text and to provide clarity to parties as they begin development for this change release in June 2024.

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