AMO training seminar – 16th July 2015

You are invited to put forward attendees for the third AMO training event.

Date: 16th July 2015
Venue: Wigan Youth Zone, Parsons Walk, Wigan, Lancashire, WN1 1RU

The day gives a broad overview of the metering market and is ideal for those members of staff who are either new to their respective organisations or the metering industry, or those currently working in either electricity or gas and interested in learning about the other “fuel”.

Attached is a detailed agenda of the day.

The sessions will give attendees the opportunity to get up to speed with the metering markets and provide a chance to network with a variety of industry participants.

Cost for the day:

AMO Members: £95
Non-Members: £295

If you wish to attend, please complete the attached booking form and return it to the AMO Secretariat (

Files: AMO training seminar agenda, AMO training seminar booking form