I0200 – Improving address management targets: Working Group

There has been progress resolving address data issues, however there is no mechanism to clearly establish Code level targets for address improvement, or overall market performance, which focus on the causes or significance of the mismatch. I0200 has been raised by the Code Manager to review this. The review has no set solution and is looking for input from Suppliers, Gas Transporters, MEMs, DCC, Shippers, TPIs, and members of the Connections Operations Group.

Following initial discussions at the September Change Issue Group, a Working Group will be established with sessions taking place on the first Thursday of the month, commencing on the 07 November at 11:30 and are expected to last approximately 1 hour.

Stakeholders are invited to sign up to attend the working group by 25 October 2024 by emailing committees@recmanager.co.uk