RECCo’s Enquiry Services Stakeholder Advisory Group

To support the Enquiry Services Evolution project, RECCo is establishing a Stakeholder Advisory Group (SAG), a group of industry stakeholders who will be able to offer guidance, diverse perspectives, and insights from experienced service users throughout the project lifecycle.
RECCo is inviting nominations from industry stakeholders for positions on the Stakeholder Advisory Group. Representation from REC and Non-REC Party users of the Enquiry Services is crucial to ensure comprehensive coverage.

If you’re interested in joining the SAG and contributing to the future of the Enquiry Services, please submit your nomination using the Enquiry Services SAG Nomination Form by 12 July 2024. Look out for more information on RECCo’s website.

GES Upgrade – Temporary Roll-Back

On 21 June 2024, the GES Service Provider announced the transition of the Gas Enquiry Service (GES) to a new technology platform. This upgrade aims to enhance resilience and provide a more efficient, cost-effective solution for REC Parties.

After the switch on 22 June 2024, post-implementation testing revealed a few issues, leading to a small number of customer tickets. As a precaution, the GES Service Provider has partially rolled back GES to the old platform while the issues are thoroughly investigated. Consequently, the GES Portal and the Supply Point Switching (SPS) API are now operating on the legacy platform, whereas the Supply Point Enquiry (SPE) and Meter Point Enquiry (MPE) API services continue to run on the new platform.

Next steps

Once the issues have been fully investigated and fixes have been tested, the GES Service Provider will transition the GES Online Portal and the Supply Point Switching API (SPS) back to the new platform. This will be confirmed through further communications. If you encounter any functionality issues, please contact the GES Service Provider by raising a ticket. We apologise for any inconvenience caused during this transition.

June 2024 REC Releases

The Code elements of the June 2024 (3.11.0) REC Release have been implemented today, 28 June 2024. This Release introduces six changes:

All the updated REC Products can be located on the REC Portal.

For Information – Upcoming REC meetings

Keep up to date with REC meetings and events with these dates for your diary:

  • 02 July 2024 – REC Change Panel
  • 04 July 2024 – REC Change Issues Group
  • 10 July 2024 – Metering Expert Panel
  • 10 July 2024 – Electricity Operational Metering Forum
  • 11 July 2024 – Market Entry Engagement Drop-in Session
  • 12 July 2024 – REC Issues Group
  • 30 July 2024 – Performance Assurance Board
  • 31 July 2024 – Technical Expert Panel

Performance Assurance Dashboard

The Performance Assurance Dashboard has been updated on 18 June 2024 with the following changes.

The Risk Driver Summary and Risk Driver – MPxN Level tabs within the Performance Assurance Dashboard will be updated to improve its layout, simplify the design, and provide more clarity on Risk Driver descriptions. The filter pane for the Risk Driver Summary tab will also include additional information on Risk Drivers.

The Meter Specific Topic Monitoring tab within the Performance Assurance Dashboard has been removed as part of wider changes to how we monitor metering performance.

The dashboard user guide has been updated to reflect the changes above. Further details about the Performance Assurance Dashboard can be found in the Dashboard Wiki.

For Information – Upcoming REC meetings

Keep up to date with REC meetings and events with these dates for your diary:

  • 25 June 2024 – Performance Assurance Board
  • 26 June 2024 – Technical Expert Panel
  • 02 July 2024 – REC Change Panel
  • 04 July 2024 – REC Change Issues Group
  • 10 July 2024 – Metering Expert Panel
  • 10 July 2024 – Electricity Operational Metering Forum
  • 12 July 2024 – REC Issues Group