Category 3 Change Proposals

C3-0091 – Changes to Metering Expert Panel Terms of Reference to support alternate R0170 solution was raised on 08 August 2024 and has now proceeded to Consultation.

This change puts the STIRG document under bespoke voting arrangements, where unanimous approval is required from the Network Operator and MEM representatives that are directly affected by the document (e.g. the DNO and electricity MEM). This puts the document back under very similar arrangements as it was under MOCoPA, which all Parties agree worked.

C3-0092 – Performance Assurance Methodology and Techniques was raised on 08 August 2024 and will be implemented on 16 August 2024.

This change amends the Performance Assurance Methodology and Techniques document and provides an acknowledgement of the Performance Assurance Board’s role in relation to the previous updates to the change process and provides additional general housekeeping updates.

If you have any questions on these Category 3 Change Proposals, please contact