On 13 February 2025, RECCo will be holding a REC Market-wide Half-Hourly Settlement Training Day. This will be an in-person event in London, venue to be announced shortly.
The day will be a detailed overview of the changes being introduced to the REC, which will help to support your implementation and operational readiness for MHHS. You will hear from and get to speak to REC Subject Matter Experts as well as representatives from Ofgem, Elexon and the Data Integration Platform (DIP) Manager.
It will be a great opportunity for REC Parties, and other impacted market participants to learn about and prepare for the changes being introduced to the REC as part of the implementation of MHHS. More details, including a detailed agenda, will be shared shortly.
You can register for the event here by emailing mhhs@retailenergycode.co.uk.