The Benefits of Membership
The Association of Meter Operators offers numerous benefits and services to companies that are active in the metering industry. Via members’ meetings and discussions across the industry, the AMO challenges and champions the issues that impact the industry, both now and in the future. It also provides an invaluable opportunity for members to share opinions.
- Knowledge sharing – The AMO has diverse member companies from across gas and electricity metering.
- Influence – The AMO is recognised as an expert body by government, regulators and other industry partners.
- Independence – The AMO utilises independent consultants to provide a single, strong voice in industry debate.
- Resource sharing – AMO Members benefit from a coordinated approach, allowing Members to contribute equally, regardless of organisational size.
AMO Membership Criteria
There are four categories of AMO Membership, defined as:
Large MEM
A MEM that is appointed or contracted to 1,000 or more Large sites or 250,000 or more Small sites.
Medium MEM
A MEM that appointed or contracted to between 50 and 999 Large sites; or is appointed or contracted to between 500 and 249,999 Small sites
Small MEMĀ
A MEM that is appointed or contracted to less than 50 Large sites; or is appointed or contracted to less than 500 Small sites.
Companies that do not qualify as a Meter Equipment Manager but have a relevant connection with the market by way of supplying goods, services, support or education. Appointment by recommendation of a Member Company and subject to Committee approval.
A MEM (Metering Equipment Manager) is a role defined in the Retail Energy Code, which governs the obligations for working on gas and electricity meters. Visit the REC Portal for more information on becoming a qualified MEM.
Please click the button below and fully complete the Membership application form, to allow us to start the joining process. We will contact you following submission to explain the next steps.
For further information about becoming a member of the AMO, please contact the AMO Secretariat on 020 3416 6990 or